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Q. Do I need to sign up ahead of time?

A. No. You do not need to do anything except show up on the date of the Panel with a photo I.D. and $50.00 cash ($25 for JV).


Q. If I miss a Panel do I need to reschedule?

A. No, if you miss a panel you may attend the next panel again, all you have to do is show up and sign in. Anything else is between you and your supervising agency.


Q. I just had one beer with dinner a couple of hours ago, I'm still allowed to attend the panel, right?

A. NO!! Everyone who attends the Linn County Victim Impact Panel must be sober for 24 hours prior to the event.


Q. I was ejected last month for violating the Panel rules. Do I have to repay the $50.00 fee next month to attend again?

A. Yes


Q. How do I prove to my referring agency I attended the LCVIP?

A. Attendance for each panel is faxed to your referring agency. However, occasionally a referring agency may need to see proof of attendance. Each attendee is issued upon completion of the Panel a proof of attendance form. This form acts as your receipt and proof of attendance. If your referring agency has any questions they may call the LCVIP for clarification.


Q. I lost my proof of attendance, may I get another?

A. It is the attendee's responsibility to keep track of their proof of

attendance. The Linn County Victim Impact Panel does not

under any circumstances re-issue proof of attendance. That is why we strongly encourage each attendee to make a photo-copy of their form. If your referring agency has any questions they may call the LCVIP and we will be happy to answer any questions.


Q. I am unable to drive to the Panel. Can my driver sit through the panel with me?

A. Yes, Guests are expected to follow the same rules as the attendee. They must be over the age of 16 and there is no charge for them to come and listen. In fact, the LCVIP strongly encourages parents of minor attendees to attend the panel with their kids.


Q. Why is there an age restriction on who may attend the Panel?

A. The Panel is very graphic with images of actual fatal crashes.


Q. I lost my drivers license when I got arrested. What kind of I.D.

will you accept?

A. We will accept any form of I.D. that has your photo on it. (Drivers License, Military I.D., Passport, Student Body Card, Library Card, Costco Card, Bank I.D. etc.)

Linn County Victim Impact panel

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